
Set 4 | Important Biodiversity MCQs

Important Biodiversity MCQs. Biodiversity plays a crucial role within the broader field of environment and ecology. It serves as a foundational concept for achieving success in competitive exams such as Civil Services, State exams, SSC, Railways, Banking, and more. Mastering these subjects offers a unique advantage, allowing you to gain invaluable insights into the country’s environmental legacy. With a focus on Environment, Biodiversity, and Ecology, this knowledge not only sharpens your competitive edge but also equips you to excel in these challenging exams.

MCQs on Ecology – Objective Questions and Answers
extinction of a species, affairsmastery.com

Q31. Which one of the following is not responsible for the extinction of a species? (U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014)

[A] Broad niche

[B] Large body size

[C] Narrow niche

[D] Lack of genetic variability

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Correct Answer is A.

  • In ecology, the term “niche” refers to the role an organism plays within a community. A species’ niche includes both the physical and environmental factors it depends on, such as temperature or habitat, as well as its interactions with other species, like competition or predation.
  • Species with narrow or highly specific niches are known as specialists. For instance, koalas, which exclusively feed on eucalyptus leaves in Australia, are specialist species. In contrast, species with more flexible or wide-ranging niches, like coyotes and raccoons, are classified as generalists.
niche biodiversity

Q32. India aims to achieve land degradation neutrality by the year: (U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2019)

[A] 2025                             

[B]  2030

[C] 2035                             

[D]  2040

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Correct Answer is B.

  • India is targeting to achieve Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN) by 2030. LDN signifies a transformative shift in land management policies and practices.
  • This approach seeks to balance the anticipated loss of productive land with the restoration of degraded areas, offering a unique strategy for sustainable land use.
land neutrality, affairsmastery.com

Q33. The ‘Red Data Books’ published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN) contain lists of: (I.A.S. (Pre) 2011)

  1. Endemic plant and animal species present in the biodiversity hotspots.
  2. Threatened plant and animal species.
  3. Protected sites for conservation of nature and natural resources in various countries.

Select the correct answer using the code given below?

[A] 1 and 3                          

[B] 2 only

[C] 2 and 3                          

[D] 3 only

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Correct Answer is B.

  • The ‘Red Data Books,’ published by the International Union for Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources (IUCN), include lists of plant and animal species that are threatened with extinction.

Q34. Organization related to “Red Data Book” or “Red List is”: (M.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014)

[A] U.T.E.S                          

[B] I.U.C.N.

[C] I.B.W.C.                        

[D] W.W.F

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Correct Answer is B.

  • The organization associated with the “Red Data Book” or “Red List” is the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). The IUCN publishes the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which provides comprehensive information on the global conservation status of plant and animal species.
red data book, affairsmastery.com

Q35. Endangered species are listed in – (U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2013)

[A] Dead Stock Book         

[B] Red Data Book

[C] Live Stock Book         

[D] None of the above

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Endangered species are listed in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species, which classifies species based on their risk of extinction, ranging from least concern to critically endangered.

Q36. ‘Red Data Book’ is concerned with – (U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2002)

[A] Facts about biodiversity

[B] Organisms & animals facing the danger of extinction

[C] Plantation

[D] Illegal hunting of forest animals by smugglers

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Correct Answer is B.

  • The ‘Red Data Book’ is concerned with documenting and listing species that are at risk of extinction. It provides comprehensive information on the conservation status of various species of plants, animals, and fungi, highlighting those that are classified as endangered, vulnerable, rare, or extinct. The aim is to promote awareness and conservation efforts to protect these threatened species.

Q37. Which one of the following groups of animals belongs to the category of endangered species? (I.A.S. (Pre) 2012)

[A] Great Indian Bustard, Musk Deer, Red Panda and Asiatic Wild Ass

[B] Kashmir Stag, Cheetal, Blue Bull and Great Indian Bustard

[C] Snow Leopard, Swamp Deer, Rhesus Monkey and Saras (Crane)

[D] Lion-tailed Macaque, Blue Bull, Hanuman Langur and Cheetal

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Correct Answer is A.

  • In June 2012, the IUCN released a Red Data List identifying animal species facing the threat of extinction. Among the 15 Indian species included in the most endangered category were the Great Indian Bustard, Siberian Crane, and Sociable Lapwing.
  • The Musk Deer was classified as vulnerable, while the Wild Ass was listed as near threatened. Additionally, the Red Panda was placed in the endangered category.
great indian bustard

Q38. Which one of the following Indian birds is a highly endangered species? (U.P.P.C.S. (Mains) 2005)

[A] Golden Oriole

[B] Great Indian Bustard

[C] Indian Fantail Pigeon

[D] Indian Sunbird

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Correct Answer is B.

  • The Great Indian Bustard is a highly endangered species, facing the risk of extinction due to habitat loss, hunting, and human encroachment. Native to the Indian subcontinent, it is one of the heaviest flying birds and is currently listed as “Critically Endangered” on the IUCN Red List. Conservation efforts are underway to protect its remaining population and habitat.

Q39. Which one of the following is not correctly matched? (U.P.P.C.S. (Pre) 2014)

[A] Golden Langur :            Endangered

[B] Desert Cat :                   Endangered

[C] Hoolock Gibbon :         Endangered

[D] Asiatic Wild Dog :        Threatened

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Correct Answer is *.

According to the ENVIS Center for Faunal Diversity, hosted by the Zoological Survey of India and sponsored by the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change, the following are the risk statuses of the animals:

  • Golden Langur: Endangered
  • Hoolock Gibbon: Endangered
  • Asiatic Wild Dog: Endangered
  • Desert Cat: Least Concern

However, there is no animal specifically named “Desert Cat” listed in the IUCN Red List. The Chinese Desert Cat is listed as vulnerable in the IUCN Red List. Thus, the options for Hoolock Gibbon and Desert Cat are incorrectly matched. Initially, the Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission accepted option (a) as the correct answer in its preliminary key, but later removed this question from

Q40. While India’s Human population is growing at an outstanding pace, the bird population is shrinking fastly mainly because:

  1. There has been an abnormal increase in the number of hunters.
  2. Bio-pesticides and organic manure are being used on a large scale.
  3. There has been a large-scale reduction in the habitats of the birds.
  4. There has been large-scale use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers and mosquito repellents.

Select your answer correctly using the code given below: (U.P.P.C.S.(Pre) 2001)

Codes :

[A] 1 and 2 are correct

[B] 2 and 3 are correct

[C] 3 and 4 are correct

[D] 1 and 4 are correct

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Correct Answer is C.

  • India’s human population is rapidly increasing, but the bird population is declining at an alarming rate. This is primarily due to a significant reduction in bird habitats, alongside the excessive use of pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and mosquito repellents.
  • Pesticides like DDT enter the food chain, causing issues such as premature eggshell cracking, which ultimately leads to a decrease in bird populations.

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