
Set 2 | Important Indian Philosophical Movements objectives

Indian Philosophical Movements are an integral part of Indian Art and Culture, which is extremely beneficial for various examinations such as Civil services, State exams, SSCs, Railways, Banking and other One day exams. It provides a great opportunity to gain knowledge about the country’s history in order to excel in these competitive fields. Objectives on Indian Art and Culture for competitive exams.

MCQs on Philosophical Movements – Objective Questions and Answers

Q11. Which Vedanta school is associated with the idea, ’reality is dual-independent reality and dependent reality’?

[A] Advaita Vedanta

[B] Dvaitavada

[C] A & B

[D] Vishishtadvaita

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Madhvacharya is the founder of Dvaitavada philosophy, reality is dual- independent reality(God or Brahman) and dependent reality(chit and achit).
  • Madhva holds that Vishnu is God, who is also known as Hari, Krishna, Vasudeva etc. God is the only reality and is the cause of the universe. Brahman is the creator of the universe, perfect in knowledge and power and is distinct from souls and matter.

Q12. Vallabhacharya philosophy is associated with…?

[A] Shuddhadvaita philosophy

[B] Dvaitavada philosophy

[C] Advaita philosophy

[D] Vishishtadvaita philosophy

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Correct Answer is A.

  • Vallabhacharya’s philosophy is Shuddhadvaita philosophy or Pure non-dualism.
  • He believed that God is pure and non-dualistic, but at the same time, he believes that the soul and Nature are also real.
  • Union of soul with the God is known as Pushti Marg.

Q13. Lokayata philosophy is also known as?

[A] Buddhism

[B] Vedanta

[C] Charvaka

[D] Jainism

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Correct Answer is C.

  • Lokayata philosophy is also known as Charvaka Philosophy, founded by Brishaspati.
  • It means the philosophy of the people. It is a materialistic school of thought in Indian philosophy which asserts that matter is the only reality.
  • It rejects the existence of soul, god, afterlife, etc.
  • It rejects Vedas and Vedic rituals.
  • Charvaks supported the pursuit of sensual pleasure and believed in the theory of ‘eat, drink and make merry’.

Q14. Sudra sanyasins are established by?

[A] Nanda Vachcha

[B] Brihaspati

[C] Jainism

[D] Kanada

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Correct Answer is A.

  • Sudra sanyasins are established by Nanda Vachcha. These sanyasins are also known as Ajivikas.
  • Many non-vedic ideas were developed in the 6th century BCE besides Buddhism and Jainism. They later developed into small sects.
  • Among the sects, Ajivikas is one of them. Makkali Gosala popularised this sect. He denied the theory of karma and said that the man is subject to the laws of nature.
  • Ajivikas believed that the thought and deed of an individual were predetermined.

Q15. Rishabhanatha is represented by which symbol?

[A] Elephant

[B] Bull

[C] Boar

[D] Padma

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Rishabhanatha is also known as Adinatha is represented by Bull symbol. He was the first of 24 tirthankars(Jain teaches who have gained supreme knowledge).
  • He established Ikshvaku dynasty.
  • He was born to King Nabhi and queen Marudevi in Ayodhya.
  • The day on which he got his first food(ahara) is celebrated by Jains as Akshaya Tritiya.
  • He attained Moksha on Mount Asthapada(Kailash).

Q16. Snake symbol is a representation of which tirthankaras?

[A] Pushpadanta

[B] Ajitanatha

[C] Parshvanatha

[D] Mahavira

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Correct Answer is C.

  • Snake symbol is a representation of Parshvanatha(23rd Jain tirthankaras). He was the son of King Asvasena of Varanasi and queen Vama.
  • He left the throne at the age of 30 and became ascetic.
  • He received enlightenment after 84 days of penance.
  • He believed in the eternity of ‘matter’.

Q17.Who was the last Jain tirthankara?

[A] Vasupujya

[B] Mahavira

[C] Aranatha

[D] Ajitanatha

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Mahavira was the last of 24 tirthankaras. He is respresented by Lion symbol.
  • Mahavira(539-467 BCE) was born at Kundalgram village near Vaishali, his father was Siddhartha, who as the head of Kshatriya clan, Jnatrika and mother was Trisala who was the sister of Lichchhavi chief Chetaka.
  • Vardhamana Mahavira was married to Yashoda and had a daughter..
  • In the 13th year of his penance at the age of 42, he attained the supreme knowledge called Kaivalya under a sal tree near village Jrimbhikagrama, on the bank of river Rijupalika.
  • He was called Jina(Conqueror) and Mahavira(The great hero). He was also a Kevalin(Omniscient).
  • He became the head of a sect called Nigranthas.
  • He died at the age of 72 at pava near Rajagriha in Patna by self starvation.
  • He rejected the authority of Vedas. He believed that the soul(Jiva) and matter(archive) are the two basic existing elements.
  • He believed in Karma and transmigration of soul, did not condemn the Varna system and according to him, a person is born in a high or low Varna is the result of the sins acquired by him/her in previous life.
  • Man is the creator of his own life.
  • Moksha(nirvana) from sufferings can be achieved by observing three principles of Jainism that is known as Triratnas: Right Faith, Right Knowledge and Right Conduct.

Q18. How many vows are defined in Jainism?

[A] 5

[B] 4

[C] 3

[D] 8

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Correct Answer is A.

  • There are five vows under the three principles of Jainism.
  • One of principle is known as Right Conduct(Samyakcharita): It refers to the observance of the five vows. It is believed that the fifth vow is added by Mahavira later.
  • Five vows are: Ahmisa(not to injure life), Satya(not to speak lie), Asteya(not to steal), Aparigraha(not to acquire property) and Brahmacharya(observing celibacy).

Q19. Who propagated Jainism in South part of India?

[A] Sthulabhadra

[B] Ashoka

[C] Bhadrabahu

[D] Visakhacarya

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Correct Answer is C & D.

  • Bhadrabahu and Visakhacarya migrated to south with their disciples and propagated Jainsim over there.
  • Jain monks led by Bhadrabahu and also accompanied by Chandragupta Maurya came to south, Sravanavelgola in Karnataka.
  • Digambaras sect of Jainism is led by Bhadrabahu. This sect believed in complete nudity.
  • They followed all five vows and believed that the women can not be a tirthankaras.
  • This sect added a sixth eternal substance as time(kala).
  • They followed rigid rules.

Q20. Who led the Svetambaras in north part of India?

[A] Maurya

[B] Sthulabhadra

[C] Visakhacarya

[D] None

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Exponent of Svetambara sect was Sthulabhadra. They believed in clothes especially white cloth.
  • They believed in the teaching of Parsvanatha so they followed only four vows.
  • This sect believed in men or women can be a tirthankaras.
  • According to this sect, Mallinath(19th tirthankaras) was a woman.
  • Indicated five eternal substance in existence that are soul(jiva), matter(pudgala), motion(dharma), space(akasha) and rest(adharma).
  • Sub-sects of Svetambars: Sthanakavasi and Murtipujaka.

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