
Set 1 | Important Bhakti Movement and Sufi Movement Objectives

Important Bhakti Movement and Sufi Movement Objectives. These are an integral part of Indian Art and Culture, which is extremely beneficial for various examinations such as Civil services, State exams, SSCs, Railways, Banking and other One day exams. It provides a great opportunity to gain knowledge about the country’s history in order to excel in these competitive fields. Objectives on Indian Art and Culture for competitive exams.

MCQs on Bhakti Movements and Sufi Movements – Objective Questions and Answers

Q1. From which part of India, Bhakti movement advanced?

[A] East

[B] West

[C] North

[D] South

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Correct Answer is D.

  • It was for the first time in South India between the 7th and 10th century that Bhakti grew from a doctrine to a popular movement.
  • In the 11th century, Bhakti movement is revived as a philosophical and ideological movement with the help of Scholars and Acharyas.
  • In 14th and 15th century, Bhakti movement became the dominant feature of Hinduism.

Q2. What are the factors behind the rise of Bhakti movement?

[A] Political factors

[B] Socio-Economic factors

[C] Religious factors

[D] Profit factors

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Correct Answer is A, B & C.

  • In north India during 14th to 17th century, Bhakti movement grew immensely.
  • Turkish conquest was the one of the first phase from which scholars or acharyas  grew or created the several bhakti movements.
  • Movements of medieval India represents the sentiments of common people against feudal oppression.
  • Growing classes of urban artisans were also attracted towards the monotheistic movement because of its egalitarian ideas.

Q3. What is the purpose of groups like Alvars and Nayanars ?

[A] Famous groups of poets

[B] Famous Artists

[C] Saiva and Vaishnava saints

[D] Scholars

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Correct Answer is C.

  • As the Buddhism and Jainism influence was growing at a very fast pace, bhakti movement started to take its form against this influence.
  • The movement was popularised by Saiva saints called Nayanars and Vaishnava saints called Alvars.
  • 63 Nayanars saints and 12 Alvar saints.
  • Saints carried their message of love and devotion to God by using their vernacular languages throughout the whole south India.

Q4. Who was the early exponent or the one started Bhakti movement?

[A] Ramanuja

[B] Nimbaraka

[C] Ramananda

[D] Vallabhacharya

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Correct Answer is A.

  • Ramanuja was from Andhra Pradesh.
  • A great Vaishnava teacher.
  • Redefined the Vedanta philosophy by worshipping a God who constituted the supreme reality.
  • Famous works: Vedanta Sanghmaha
  • Commentaries on: Brahmasutras and the Bhagavad gita.

Q5.  Which saint from South India whose work is mostly based on concept of dualism(dvaita)?

[A] Ramanuja


[C] Madhvacharya

[D] Nimbaraka

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Correct Answer is C.

  • Madhvacharya was from south India and a vaishnava saint.
  • 37 works related to Vaishnavism.
  • His work dealt with the concept of dualism.

Q6. Which saint advocated the system of Shuddha Advaita?

[A] Nimbaraka

[B] Vallabhacharya

[C] Ramananda

[D] Ramanuja

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Vallabhacharya was the prominent vaishnava saint, hailed from south.
  • Advocated the system of Shuddha Advaita, also known as pure non-dualism.
  • Glorified the intense love of Radha and Krishna
  • A universal religion that did not believe in the concept of discrimination based on caste, sex, nationality.
  • He insisted on complete identity of both soul and world with the supreme spirit.

Q7. Which option is true about Ramananda?

[A] Disciple of Raghavananda

[B]Born in South

[C] His disciples were only from low caste

[D] Kabir is one of his disciples

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Correct Answer is A & D.

  • Ramananda was a disciple of Raghavananda.
  • Hindu tradition recognizes Ramananda as the founder of Ramanandi Sampradaya, largest monastic Hindu community in modern times.
  • He was mostly influenced by Ramanuja.
  • He was born at Prayag about the end of 14th century.
  • Worship of Rama and Sita.
  • His Disciples were from both High caste and Lower caste.
  • Ravidas, Kabir, Sena and Sadhna are some of his disciples.

Q8. Which saint songs are included in Guru Granth Sahib?

[A] Alvars

[B]Dadu Dayal


[D] Ravidas

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Correct Answer is D.

  • Ravidas was the contemporary of Kabir.
  • He was a cobbler and from Varanasi.
  • Belonged to Nirguna School of mysticism.
  • Rani Jhali of Chittor became one of his disciples.
  • He also composed songs and some of which are included in sacred text of the Sikhs.

Q9. Which saint refused to accept the sanctity of the Vedas as well as Quran?

[A] Ramanuja

[B] Kabir

[C] Ravidas

[D] Mirabai

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Correct Answer is B.

  • Kabir was the one of the most popular disciple of the Ramananda.
  • Son of a Brahmin widow and was brought up by a Muslim weaver in Varanasi.
  • Hindu-Muslim Unity.
  • Declared Rama and Allah were the names of the same God.
  • Believed in the Hindu doctrines of Karma and rebirth.
  • His songs known as Dohas that are famous for their literary excellence.
  • Raised his voice against the evil customs of Sati and child marriage.
  • His teachings are compiled in Bijak.
  • His followers also formed a sect known as Kabir Panthis.

Q10. Who was the founder of Sikhism?

[A] Guru Nanak

[B] Kabir

[C] Chaitanya

[D] None

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Correct Answer is A.

  • Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism and a mystic of the Nirguna school.

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