
List of Important Indian National Congress Sessions (1885-1950)

Important Indian National Congress Sessions. The Indian National Congress was founded in December 1885 under the presidency of W.C. Bannerjee and its first session was attended by 72 political workers. It was the first time that a unified expression of Indian nationalism had occurred on an all India scale, and A.O Hume – a retired English ICS officer who played an influential role in forming INC- made this event possible. Important Short note for various exams.

From the perspective of an examination like Civil services, State exams, SSC, Banking, Railways and any other One Day exam, all the necessary facts and information are listed below.

Indian National Congress Sessions

Year (Place)President nameRemarks/Outcomes
1885 (Bombay)W.C. BannerjeeDissolution of Indian Council

Indian Civil Services examination to be held in India
1886 (Calcutta)Dadabhai NarojiDivision of Executive and Judiciary
1887 (Madras)Badruddin TyabjiChangein Arms Act
1888 (Allahabad)George YuleEncouragement to Industrial and technology education
1889 (Bombay)Sir William WedderburnReforms in revenue policies
1890 (Calcutta)Sir Pherozshah MehtaGovt. made it illegal for any of its employee to participate in Congress Session
1899 (Lucknow)R.C. DuttDiscussion on Education and Industry related problems
1905 (Banaras)G.K. GokhaleDiscussion over ‘Swaraj’ for the first time

Congress began functioning as a regular and Permanent organization
Aug, 1905
(Special session, Calcutta)
Formal Proclamation of Swadeshi movement
1906 (Calcutta)Dadabhai NarojiDemand for Swaraj

Declaration of Swadeshi movement and Boycott

Police Lathi charge on volunteers and leaders
1907 (Surat)Dr. Ras Bihari GhoshSplit in Congress
1909 (Lahore)M.M MalaviyaDemand for free and compulsory Primary education
1910 (Allahabad)Sir William WedderburnDemand to revoke Indian Press Act and Seditious Meetings Act
1911 (Calcutta)B.N. DarFirst time recital of Jan-Man-Gan in Congress session
1915 (Bombay)Sir S.P. SinhaCongress and Muslim League agree to hold their session at the same place

Attended by Viceroy Lord Willington
1916 (Lucknow)A.C. MazumdarUnification of Congress

Lucknow pact between Congress and Muslim League
1917 (Calcutta)Annie BesantFirst Women President of Congress

For the first time, Congress listed social reform as one of its goals
1919 (Amritsar)Motilal NehruCongress support to Khilafat Movement
(Special session, Calcutta)
INC accepted Gandhiji’s call for NCM
1920 (Nagpur)C. VijayaragavachariarAmendment in the Constitution of Congress

Working committee formed reconstitution of committees on Linguistic basis

Congress membership fee at 25 paisa
1922 (Gaya)C.R. DasDifferences on the decision to join legislative councils
1923 (Kakinda)Mohammed AliCongress resolute to abolish Untouchability

All India Khadi Board established
1924 (Belgaum)M.K. GandhiAcceptance of the agreement between ‘no changers’ and ‘Swarajists’
1925 (Kanpur)Sarojini NaiduFirst Indian Woman president of Congress
1927 (Madras)M.A. AnsariDemand for ‘Poorna Swaraj’ for the 1st time

Protests against Simon Commission

Congress joins International League against Colonialism
1928 (Calcutta)Motilal NehruDifferences between the supporters of Poorna Swaraj and Dominion Status
1929 (Lahore)J.L. NehruEndorsement of the demand for Poorna Swaraj

26 Jan,1930 to be celebrated as Independence Day
1930 (Karachi)J.L. Nehru
1931 (Karachi)Vallabhbhai PatelApproval to Gandhi-Irwin Pact

Resolution on Fundamental Rights passed

Demand for the nationalization of important industries
1933 (Calcutta)Nellie Sen Gupta
1934 (Bombay)Rajendra PrasadAmendment in Congress Constitution
1938 (Haripura)Subhas Chandra BoseNationalist movements in Princely States were given moral support
1939 (Tripuri)Subhas Chandra Bose
(Re-elected, but had to resign)
For the 1st time Congress lent its complete support to the movements in the Princely states
1940-46 (Ramgarh)Maulana Abdul Kalam AzadGandhi launched ‘Civil Disobedience Movement’

Rejection of British Government right to frame a Constitution for India
1946-47 (Meerut)J.B. KripalaniJ.B was one of the most ardent disciples of Gandhi

President of INC during the transfer of power from Britain to India in 1947
1948 (Jaipur)Pattabhi Sitaramaiah
1950 (Nasik)Purushotam Das Tandon

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